Hogarth Roundabout 


In recent years OCPS has been instrumental in planting wildflowers on the 'triangle' between the two lanes of the A4 on the eastern side of the Hogarth roundabout. These were enjoyed by many including Prince Charles who sent a message of congratulations. When at last the refurbishment of the flyover was finished, seeds were sown again this year. But very unfortunately, almost immediately afterwards a howling wind blew them away - hence the poor showing this year. We are planning now what to do for next year.


Whole roundabout

OCPS works hard maintain a good relationship with Transport for London who manage the roundabout. Before the refurbishment of the flyover, the following criteria for the Hogarth roundabout were agreed with TfL:

  • TfL need to provide access to the triangle and roundabout island for maintenance works to flyover

  • We want to improve the aesthetics of the area, whilst increasing plant biodiversity

  • The requirement for low maintenance should be incorporated

  • Planting should should incorporate a mix of native and ornamental species, including hornbeam hedging for screening, use of native ground cover species, with colours to reflect Fullers as the roundabout sponsor, and the triangle to include a wildflower mix.

We await to see the success or otherwise of the main planting scheme decided upon by TfL once it has taken hold.