
News Archive 

For more comprehensive coverage, please see our past Newsletters.

Spring 2021 

Chiswick Eyot needs your help!

FChiswick Eyot is a nature reserve and an ancient withy bed, where willows have been grown and cut for centuries. The cut branches (withies) were once used to make baskets to take produce from Chiswick’s market gardens into London. Now the withies are used to stabilize the banks of the Eyot.

What is bundling?

For several years now, your subscriptions have helped to pay for professional tree surgeons to pollard the willows on the Eyot. 

We ask volunteers to come and help gather the withies into bundles so they can be stored in the corral on the Eyot for use through the year. 

We then ask for help in using the withies to build the defences against erosion that you can see round the Eyot. We weave the withies through upright stakes to trap mud and stop it being washed away.  

We are very grateful for the support you gave us in 2020. Your help has meant we have been able to add significantly to the defences round the Eyot. 

We hope to have more volunteering opportunities in 2021. Keep an eye on this website for dates and information

Winter 2020- previous Bundling Days

Thurs 3 Dec 10-12 was cancelled due to impending bad weather

Fri 4 Dec 10-12
Sat 5 Dec 11-1
Sun 6 Dec 11-1
Mon 7 Dec 12-2
Tues 8 Dec 12-2

Then we added four dates before Christmas,
Thursday 17 December 10-12
Friday 18 December 11-1
Saturday 19 December 11-1
Sunday 20 December 12-2 

Instruction will be given on the day. Please come suitably dressed: WELLIES and STRONG GARDENING GLOVES or similar are highly recommended. We will remain socially distanced.

We must advise you take part at your own risk.


Our Autumn eNewsletter is available here. We hope you enjoy reading it! 

Please also see this link to our first e-only OCPS Newsletter Spring 2020.pdf, to find out more about local artists, Chiswick Eyot Nature Reserve, how our Community is helping each other, and much else besides.

If you wish to join OCPS and support the work we do, or renew your membership if you don't already subscribe by standing order, please follow this link to the subscription form. Your subscriptions help to finance the Eyot pollarding every year, and all our projects

Last Bundling Day

As you may recall, Community Bundling Day was cancelled at the beginning of 2020 due to the continuing tricky river conditions which prevented our pollarders E. Payne from being able to access the Eyot for a workable length of time.
OCPS took the decision to cancel after taking expert advice. The swollen river and tributaries upstream had to be relieved by keeping Richmond Lock open, which in turn meant that the period of low tide which we needed to get across to the Eyot was much shorter than predicted by the tide tables.

Meanwhile we again supported Thames 21, when it was safe to do so, in continuing their valuable working days on Chiswick Eyot.

Thanks to all who joined us on the Eyot during March for the last working days of the season before bird nesting season began on the Nature Reserve.

It turned out that because of Covid19, this was the last activity organised by Thames21 this year.

As a reminder, on Chiswick Eyot Conservation Days we

•Volunteer and help stabilise the island from further erosion and enhance the island for wildlife
•Tasks include stabilising the banks using willow spilling techniques, marginal planting, scrub removal, tree pruning and litter clearance
•Welcome all,and provide all equipment.

For more information please contact: vic.richardson@thames21.org.uk

Our historic mulberry trees

Do you have a mulberry tree in your garden? If so, OCPS would love to hear from you, and will welcome more information about any old mulberry trees in the area. We can then research whether this abundance can tell us more of the history of Old Chiswick. So please do send us any information you might have to: oldchiswick@gmail.com.

Hogarth roundabout clean-up

The Hogarth roundabout is one of the main gateways into London. We would want to be proud of the impression it gives, which is why for several years now we have sponsored projects like the wildflower triangle.

Dismayed at how much of an eyesore the roundabout has become, and months of trying to engage TfL and Hounslow Council in cleaning up fly-posting, litter and fly-tipping, the Society has been doggedly removing posters since our first action day on 13th January. when we removed 101 advertising posters and picked up litter. TfL have promised to take fly-posting seriously by pursuing and fining those doing it, but we are still awaiting results.

On Cycle London day for instance, we picked litter from under the Hogarth roundabout flyover, as well as the Triangle and the Roundabout Island.We hope that Hounslow Highways will one day be able to support our efforts as promised.

London Borough of Hounslow approves latest revision of the Conservation Appraisal for Old Chiswick

Hounslow Council's September Cabinet meeting approved the updated Conservation Area Appraisal for Old Chiswick.

This is a vital document for us, as it identifies the unique characteristics of our Area and informs Planning Application and Development decisions in the future, as well as highlighting threats and opportunities to the Conservation Area (CA).

The Society submitted a comprehensive set of comments on Old Chiswick CA's behalf. The document can be accessed on the Council's website in due course, but meanwhile contact us if you want a copy.
Local List (of buildings, structures and spaces of Townscape Merit)

Hounslow Council have selected from nominations for inclusion in its Local List. Note that this is not the same as Historic England's (previously English Heritage's) Grade listing, and does not have the same status, but nevertheless follows HE's guidelines and acknowledges buildings of merit that contribute to the area. OCPS submitted buildings and structures for consideration, and many of our suggestions have made it to the Local List, which can be viewed on the Council's website. Again, if you want a copy, don't hesitate to contact us on oldchiswick@googlemail.com.
Our Green Spaces

Green areas in London are precious and increasingly at risk. Even small parks such as Homefields Park South make a significant contribution to our environment and well-being, providing a much-needed living barrier between us and the Great West Road. Our natural landscape has inevitably altered over the years. Old Chiswick has lost some magnificent trees to disease, especially our lovely Elms along Chiswick Mall, and this prompted the Executive Committee to carry out a tree survey and update our information. We invite your involvement so if you would like to comment or participate in making the tree survey the best it can be, please contact us.

In early March we had a site visit to Homefields Park South to discuss options for planting and revitalising the overgrown and patchy hedge on the north side which borders the A316. Options include cutting down the overheight beech small trees to encourage shooting at the fence level, dead hedging where patches are too narrow to replant new whips, and planting a new saxon hedge of traditional native quick hedge whips such as blackthorn, hawthorn, hazel and more beech at the east and west ends. Please let us know your views by contacting us.

We are delighted that at last Hounslow Council has replaced the last tree along the footpath of Chiswick Mall (which was broken off two years ago), with a liquidambar sapling. A member has very kindly agreed to donate a beautiful tree support which has now been fitted.

It was constructed by Conan the Blacksmith, and I'm sure you'll agree it is an asset to the Conservation Area. 

Heathrow Expansion

Due to the sharp decrease in the use of most airports world-wide, Heathrow expansion appears to be on the back-burner for now.

If you wish to know more and keep up to date, there is a link to the Heathrow consultation hub on the Hounslow Council website Consultations page. The latest Consultation, built on Heathrow's previous preferred options, ended in September and OCPS submitted responses to several questions. 

Traffic and Road Signs

We continue our longstanding campaign to reduce the number of signs in Old Chiswick and ask that common sense prevails when introducing new ones to prevent their proliferation.

You may have noticed, as we have, the new fingerposts that have appeared around the edges of the Conservation Area. Our roads and traffic sub-Committee have reestablished contact with Transport for London through their newly created Community and Partnerships Team and hope to have more input to TfL's decision-making in the future. They have already discussed possible solutions to Hogarth Roundabout traffic with us.  

Our long-standing campaign to re-introduce the heavy artic-limiting signage for vehicles entering the very narrow Church Street from the Hogarth roundabout has finally borne fruit. TfL have installed signs and a helpful discussion with Asahi about Fullers deliveries has resulted in a lessening of their heavier vehicles using Church Street.

We are still awaiting improved directional signage in the refurbished Hogarth roundabout subway from TfL

Traffic and Roads
Homefields South park

The sub-Committee successfully drove improvements to Homefields South Park with Hounslow Borough, including tarmac path repairs, extending and mending hedges, replanting trees and painting railings. 


We continue to monitor Planning Applications and unauthorised changes both in and adjacent to, our Conservation Area. There has been a dearth of activity in the last few months. 

 Winter 2020 Chiswick Eyot needs your help!

This year, as we have for several years now, OCPS paid for professional gardeners to pollard the willows on the Eyot. We took the decision to pollard in November rather than the traditional January/February because of the adverse weather conditions we faced during the last two winters (see Last Bundling Day below).

OCPS virtual Annual General Meeting Monday 9th. November 7pm

Thanks to all who joined the meeting and contributed. Last year's approved minutes will be available on this site shortly. Please request the documents from the meeting using our contact form and state your e-mail address so that we can send them. Autumn 2020 Chiswick Eyot

Community Bundling Day was cancelled at the beginning of this year due to the continuing tricky river conditions which prevented our pollarders E. Payne from being able to access the Eyot for a workable length of time.

OCPS took the decision to cancel after taking expert advice. The swollen river and tributaries upstream had to be relieved by keeping Richmond Lock open, which in turn meant that the period of low tide which we needed to get across to the Eyot was much shorter than predicted by the tide tables.

Meanwhile we again supported Thames 21, when it was safe to do so, in continuing their valuable working days on Chiswick Eyot.

Thanks to all who joined us on the Eyot during March for the last working days of the season before bird nesting season began on the Nature Reserve.


Spring/Summer 2020

 Cancellation-Great British Spring Clean Up 4th April in Old Chiswick

The litter pick organised by Robin Knight in Old Chiswick on Saturday 4th. April, was cancelled. Robin hopes to reschedule this volunteering opportunity to later in the year. Check this website News section for details later.


We have commented on the new houseboat that has arrived at the mooring next to the slipway at Church St/Chiswick Mall, and also submitted comments on the Heathrow Airport third runway development latest Consultation phase.  

Winter 2019/2020

 London Borough of Hounslow approves latest revision of the Conservation Appraisal for Old Chiswick

Hounslow Council's September Cabinet meeting approved the updated Conservation Area Appraisal for Old Chiswick.

This is a vital document for us, as it identifies the unique characteristics of our Area and informs Planning Application and Development decisions in the future, as well as highlighting threats and opportunities to the Conservation Area (CA).

The Society submitted a comprehensive set of comments on Old Chiswick CA's behalf. The document can be accessed on the Council's website in due course, but meanwhile contact us if you want a copy.
Local List (of buildings, structures and spaces of Townscape Merit)

Hounslow Council have selected from nominations for inclusion in its Local List. Note that this is not the same as Historic England's (previously English Heritage's) Grade listing, and does not have the same status, but nevertheless follows HE's guidelines and acknowledges buildings of merit that contribute to the area. OCPS submitted buildings and structures for consideration, and many of our suggestions have made it to the Local List, which can be viewed on the Council's website. Again, if you want a copy, don't hesitate to contact us on oldchiswick@googlemail.com.

 Local List (of buildings, structures and spaces of Townscape Merit)

Hounslow Council have selected from nominations for inclusion in its Local List. Note that this is not the same as Historic England's (previously English Heritage's) Grade listing, and does not have the same status, but nevertheless follows HE's guidelines and acknowledges buildings of merit that contribute to the area. OCPS submitted buildings and structures for consideration, and many of our suggestions have made it to the Local List, which can be viewed on the Council's website. Again, if you want a copy, don't hesitate to contact us on oldchiswick@googlemail.com.

Our Green Spaces

Green areas in London are precious and increasingly at risk. Even small parks such as Homefields Park South make a significant contribution to our environment and well-being, providing a much-needed living barrier between us and the Great West Road. Our natural landscape has inevitably altered over the years. Old Chiswick has lost some magnificent trees to disease, especially our lovely Elms along Chiswick Mall, and this prompted the Executive Committee to carry out a tree survey and update our information. We invite your involvement so if you would like to comment or participate in making the tree survey the best it can be, please contact us.

I early March we had a site visit to Homefields Park South to discuss options for planting and revitalising the overgrown and patchy hedge on the north side which borders the A316. Options include cutting down the overheight beech small trees to encourage shooting at the fence level, dead hedging where patches are too narrow to replant new whips, and planting a new saxon hedge of traditional native quick hedge whips such as blackthorn, hawthorn, hazel and more beech at the east and west ends. Please let us know your views by contacting us.

We are delighted that at last Hounslow Council has replaced the last tree along the footpath of Chiswick Mall (which was broken off two years ago), with a liquidambar sapling. A member has very kindly agreed to provide a beautiful tree support which will be fitted when current restrictions make it possible.

Heathrow Expansion Consultation

There is a link to the Heathrow consultation hub on the Hounslow Council website Consultations page. The latest Consultation, built on Heathrow's previous preferred options, ended in September and OCPS submitted responses to several questions. 

 Traffic and Roads


We continue our longstanding campaign to reduce the number of signs in Old Chiswick and ask that common sense prevails when introducing new ones to prevent their proliferation.

You may have noticed, as we have, the new fingerposts that have appeared around the edges of the Conservation Area. Our roads and traffic sub-Committee have reestablished contact with Transport for London through their newly created Community and Partnerships Team and hope to have more input to TfL's decision-making in the future. They have already discussed possible solutions to Hogarth Roundabout traffic with us.  

We are looking once again at heavy artic-limiting signage, especially for vehicles entering the very narrow Church Street from the Hogarth roundabout.

We are still awaiting improved directional signage in the refurbished Hogarth roundabout subway from TfL

Traffic and Roads

Hogarth roundabout clean-up 

The Hogarth roundabout is one of the main gateways into London. We would want to be proud of the impression it gives, which is why for several years now we have sponsored projects like the wildflower triangle.

Dismayed at how much of an eyesore the roundabout has become, and months of trying to engage TfL and Hounslow Council in cleaning up fly-posting, litter and fly-tipping, the Society has been doggedly removing posters since our first action day on 13th January. when we removed 101 advertising posters and picked up litter. TfL have promised to take fly-posting seriously by pursuing and fining those doing it, but we are still awaiting results. 

On Cycle London day for instance, we picked litter from under the Hogarth roundabout flyover, as well as the Triangle and the Roundabout Island.We hope that Hounslow Highways will one day be able to support our efforts as promised. 


Homefields South park

The sub-Committee successfully drove improvements to Homefields South Park with Hounslow Borough, including tarmac path repairs, extending and mending hedges, replanting trees and painting railings. 


We have commented on the new houseboat that has arrived at the mooring next to the slipway at Church St/Chiswick Mall, and also submitted comments on the Heathrow Airport third runway development latest Consultation phase. 

Asahi 'Meets the Neighbours'

Asahi, the new owners of Fuller's Brewery, hosted an enjoyable evening get together at the Brewery Shop before Christmas. Ben Jenkins, Head of Corporate Communications, gave us a brief presentation explaining Asahi Europe's brewery interests, and their policy of supporting local communities. We were also introduced to the Brewery Manager and taken on a Brewery tour.

Our thanks go to the tour guides, staff and hosts for the refreshments. 

Summer 2019

 Help on Chiswick Eyot. Rubbish removal and bank stabilisation. All volunteers welcome!

T21 have organised dates throughout the Spring and Summer for work on Chiswick Eyot. 25/26 April, 9/10 May, 23/24 May, 21/22 June, 5/6 July, 22/23 July.

Fuller's Brewery Business sale announcement

The Society was surprised by the announcement that the beverage company Asahi has bought the beer brewing business from Fuller's. The Brewery is the jewel in the crown of the Old Chiswick Conservation Area, and brewing on this site goes back hundreds of years.

We are proud of our historic mixed residential and industrial heritage, and would be dismayed if we lost the last remaining traditional brewery in London.

Fuller's and the families have always been great supporters of the Society and the local community. We hope this will continue, and will be monitoring the situation closely. 

Great British Spring Clean

As well as our efforts in poster removal and Chiswick Eyot rubbish picking, we would urge you to get involved with other Great British Spring Clean initiatives in our areas, including Chiswick Lane and Homefields Park on the28th April. Please see ChiswickW4 website for details.


Responses have been made to planning applications for the following developments- the high rise tower at Chiswick roundabout site near B&Q, the demolition and rebuilding of 1 Dartmouth Place, further amendments to 1 Burlington Lane (near the old Axis Centre).

We have commented on the new houseboat that has arrived at the mooring next to the slipway at Church St/Chiswick Mall.

OCPS also submitted comments on the Heathrow Airport third runway development.  

Spring 2019

London Borough of Hounslow's Heritage Street light replacement programme

We have previously extensively reported on this, as it affects our Conservation Area streets fundamentally. The replacement Street Lights are now in place.

 We have been working with the Council to get the lights dimmed and shielded where they intrude, but the process was frustratingly slow in some cases. 

Our members have asked how to report problems with the new lights. Either call Hounslow Council Customer Services or use the website hounslowhighways.org and find Streetlights on the top menu. The drop-down menu when you report the problem eventually leads you to options such as "new L.E.D. lighting too bright".

The Council has undertaken to dim the lights by an additional 40% but we have pointed out they are in several cases casting an unwanted and unneeded horizontal light across nearby houses up to the first floor windows, that the colour temperature is too harsh, the textured glass where fitted is ugly and the LED arrays are visible. We have asked for diffusers to be fitted and await this, or a similar long term solution. 

New Planning Application for development of Pissarro's site, Corney Reach


Our Ref:



Site:PISSARROS ON THE RIVER CORNEY REACH WAY LONDON CHISWICK W4 2TR Proposal:Demolition of existing building and the erection of a part one, part two and three storey block providing seven residential units and associated access, amenity space, landscaping, refuse storage and car and cycle parking.

The Council has received an application for planning permission to carry out the development described above and you are invited to comment on the application before a decision is made.
If you wish to comment, please note the following points:

The application and any supporting plans are now available through the planning pages of the Council’s website atwww.hounslow.gov.uk/planning.

If you have further questions, contact CorneyReach@gmail.com or the developers.

Heritage Lighting Replacement

The new swan-neck lights along Chiswick Mall going eastwards from the junction with Chiswick Lane South have been day- burning since being fitted. Hounslow Council has apologised for this and works are scheduled for 16th. February to belatedly fit the nodes which will enable them to be centrally controlled. After that they should not be on during the day, and furthermore they will be dimmed by 40%.

Our members have asked how to report problems with the new lights. Either call Hounslow Council Customer Services or use the website hounslowhighways.org and find Streetlights on the top menu. The drop-down menu when you report the problem eventually leads you to options such as "new L.E.D. lighting too bright".

Summer 2018

Cycle Superhighway CS9 Consultation

The consultation on CS9 has closed and due to the large numbers of strong views put forward any decision seems to have been deferred till the summer of 2018. 


"No Cycling" signs have now been installed on Powell's Walk.  

Our Green Spaces

Green areas in London are precious and increasingly at risk. Even small parks such as Homefields Park South make a significant contribution to our environment and well-being, providing a much-needed living barrier between us and the Great West Road.

Our natural landscape has inevitably altered over the years. Old Chiswick sadly lost some magnificent trees along Chiswick Mall to Dutch Elm disease many years ago, for instance.  
You may remember that we sought your help in identifying the old mulberry trees in our gardens. Now, in line with others, we are undertaking a tree survey and would like to know your views on trees in our Conservation Area.
Hounslow Council is currently consulting on its open spaces ending on 30th July. Please follow the link belowto let your views be known


OCPS Diamond Jubilee Party June 2018

Thanks to all who were lucky enough to get tickets and come to our Party. The weather, the setting, the music, food and drink and of course the company all contributed to a lovely evening. Thanks also to your generosity in supporting the raffle and fund raising, which raised £840 to support our expenditure on preserving and enhancing Old Chiswick.

Traffic and Roads

Homefields South park

The sub-Committee successfully drove improvements to Homefields South Park with Hounslow Borough, including tarmac path repairs, extending and mending hedges, replanting trees and painting railings. 

We are still awaiting improved signage in the refurbished Hogarth roundabout subway from TfL, and are investigating the arrival of a tall mast at the A4 end of Netheravon Road South.

Autumn 2017

London Borough of Hounslow's Heritage Street light replacement programme

We have previously extensively reported on this, as it affects our Conservation Area streets fundamentally. The replacement Street Lights are making their appearance in Old Chiswick now, starting in Church Street, and should be "like-for-like" in appearance, but with new L.E.D lights, which are inevitably brighter than our degraded orange sodium ones. 

Our members have asked how to report problems with the new lights. Either call Hounslow Council Customer Services or use the website hounslowhighways.org and find Streetlights on the top menu. The drop-down menu when you report the problem eventually leads you to options such as "new L.E.D. lighting too bright".

Currently the lights are a mismatch of old and new, and unfortunately the 'swan-neck' lantern replacements didn't fit so to the east of Chiswick Lane South Hounslow Highways have seen fit to replace with square lanterns which are not acceptable.

We have asked for an explanation and a revised plan for Old Chiswick and await the response. We have also pointed out tothe Council that the lights are casting an unwanted and unneeded horizontal light across nearby houses up to the first floor windows, and that the colour temperature appears too harsh.

CM Controlled Parking Zone Review

Hounslow Council has concluded its review of the Chiswick Mall Controlled Parking Zone. 

The Zone faces a possible but as yet unquantifiable additional pressure due to the large development at Chiswick Gate, and as such the Zone will be split into a Western and Eastern Zone, with the Eastern Zone including Pumping Station Road, Church Street, Chiswick Mall, Chiswick Lane South. Netheravon Road South, Airedale Avenue South, British Grove South, keeping the existing hours.

The Council has undertaken to hold further Consultation on the likely hours and days of operation for the Western Zone.

Cycle Superhighway CS9 Consultation

The consultation on CS9 is now open and can be accessed here: https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/roads/cs9/?cid=cs9 
The consultation is open until 31 October 2017.
This proposal has the CS along Chiswick High Road, and we will monitor for any future plans for Cycle Quietways that may involve our Conservation Area more directly.  


We continue our longstanding campaign to reduce the number of signs in Old Chiswick and ask that common sense prevails when introducing new ones to prevent their proliferation. New signs for the recently-introduced overnight parking ban for large vehicles in the Borough of Hounslow is a current example. We were involved in the introduction of new signs for the Borough-wide 20mph speed limit introduction, something we have long campaigned for. 

We were finalising plans with LBH for "No Cycling" signs to be installed on Powell's Walk, where there have been several near misses between dangerous cyclists and vulnerable pedestrians. However,after six months of consideration and planning the Council has decided that these signs will not be forthcoming because they will cost an additional £1500 to install. We believe this decision to be tardy and short-sighted and will continue to campaign.  

Traffic and Roads

Homefields South park

The sub-Committee successfully drove improvements to Homefields South Park with Hounslow Borough, including tarmac path repairs, extending and mending hedges, replanting trees and painting railings. 

We are still awaiting improved signage in the refurbished Hogarth roundabout subway from TfL, and are investigating the arrival of a tall mast at the A4 end of Netheravon Road South.


Our most recent responses have been to planning applications for the following developments- the high rise tower at Chiswick roundabout site near B&Q, the demolition and rebuilding of 1 Dartmouth Place, further amendments to 1 Burlington Lane (near the old Axis Centre). A Planning Application has now been made for the Pissaro's site on the river at Corney Reach.

Heathrow Expansion

Following the third runway decision for Heathrow, we continue to ensure our views are known to our local MP Ruth Cadbury. The Mayor of London and our MP are both against a third runway, and are concerned in particular about noise and air pollution. More information about Heathrow current operations can be found on our Tides and Planes page. 

OCPS Annual General Meeting 


Many thanks to Father Simon for an interesting talk about the history of the church, and to Fuller's and Ian from the George and Devonshire for making the evening so convivial. 

The following committee members were re-elected this year: 

Penny Barltrop,  Robbie Gill, Patricia Langley, Jane Nissen, Tony Taylor. We offer for election a new committee member; Rachel Wood.

In addition, Sir Alan Munro was elected President. He expressed the wish to make this his final one, after many successful years as President.

As always the AGM proved a great opportunity to meet neighbours and friends both new and old.

We asked James Trimmer of the Port of London Authority about the seeming increase in mud left by high tides and he sent us this-

'The amount of sediment in suspension in the river which has the ability to settle on the road when it floods is a function of sediment supply or input (the vast quantities of mud and clay across the entire river Thames catchment) and the process which keeps it in suspension (the fast flowing and turbulent nature of a large river that drains most of southern England) rather than any change in dredging or output from the system.  
To put it slightly differently, if I add lots of sugar to my tea, the sugar that can’t be dissolved by stirring, falls to the bottom.  If I then scoop out the excess sugar, this doesn’t make the tea any less sweet. So in conclusion any dredging or lack of it has no impact on the amount of mud that might get deposited on the road during a flood event'.   

Summer 2017

London Borough of Hounslow's plans on streetlights in Old Chiswick

As we have previously reported, a year and a half ago residents of Chiswick Mall and Church Street were contacted about Hounslow Council's (LBH) plans, via their contractor Hounslow Highways, regarding replacing ‘heritage lighting’ with ‘heritage LED lights’. They laid on an example to view in Bedford Park of the light column and lantern that they proposed to use in this project. The OCPS was very concerned: so we scrutinised the example, initiated a study of the existing streetlights in Old Chiswick (which can now be downloaded here: History of Street Lighting in Old Chiswick), researched alternatives, got a view from the our Honorary Historic Architectural Advisor, Ptolemy Dean, and liaised with community societies in other conservation areas equally affected. As a result, the Chairman sent in a response reminding them of the sensitivity of our conservation area, and saying that the replacement lighting proposed was inappropriate. At a meeting of the RAF (Residents' Associations Forum where such amenity groups meet with LBH Councillors and Officers) on Friday 4th December we were told that the existing lamp columns in Church Street and Chiswick Mall are to be retained and refurbished and we believe the lanterns and pendants will be retrofitted. Over the summer LBH did a great deal of investigation into heritage lighting taking into account the large number of comments they had received from groups such as ourselves. Your Committee and other associations liaised with our Councillor John Todd and Council Leader Steve Curran to save any costly unintentional mistakes and to choose the right solution. The Council has responded quickly and have agreed to approve the budget to replace "like-with-like" in new l.e.d. column and lantern design.

Historic Mulberry trees

The RHS has started a campaign to trace our historic mulberry trees. Morus Londinium is a project being carried out by The Conservation Foundation, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It was prompted because mulberries rarely feature in tree surveys – mainly, it is thought, because most are in private gardens, and therefore more difficult to find than street tree. A great number of mulberry trees were planted in the 17th century when King James I, in a forlorn hope to rival Lyons, attempted to establish a silk industry in Britain. Unfortunately many Morus nigra (black mulberries, which have tasty berry like fruit) were planted when it is M.alba (white mulberry) on which the silk worm feeds. Long before this monks planted mulberries in infirmary gardens to treat a variety of ailments, and they were much prized for their fruit and shade by the Elizabethans. The oldest mulberry, planted in London in 1548, still flourishes in Syon Park.Some of London’s most noteworthy and ancient mulberries are already on the Morus Londinium database, at moruslondinium.org, which includes a map of their locations. The nearest one marked to Old Chiswick at present is that at Hogarth’s House which is probably a survivor from the orchard which was there in the 1670s. But we know that there are a good number of mulberry trees of great age (or their remnants) in the gardens of Old Chiswick. From the East: Norfolk House, Island House, Morton House, Heron House, Said House, Netheravon House, Pages Yard House* (originally part of the Boston House garden). Sadly the old one in the garden of Walpole House suffered a demise in recent times.

 OCPS would welcome more information about any old mulberry trees in the area. We can then research whether this abundance can tell us more of the history of Old Chiswick. So please do send us any information you might have to: oldchiswick@gmail.com. If you wish we could send this information on to Morus Londinium to save you time.

Winter 2016

OCPS AGM 14th. November

Thanks to those who joined us on the evening of the 14th. November, and many thanks to Fuller's for hosting and Sue and Ian from the George and Devonshire pub. Sir Alan Munro kind offer to be President for another year was warmly welcomed. 

The following Executive Committee members were re-elected for a further term, Mrs. Therese Bennett, Mrs. Patricia Langley, Mr. Hugh Padgham, and Mrs. Rajpreet Bains elected and confirmed as Hon. Treasurer.  

Autumn 2016

Local artists

A Sotheby's sale that includes works of  Mary Fedden and Julian Trevelyan will take place on 23rd. November to raise money for the repairs on Durham Wharf.

Duke's Meadows improvements

Hounslow Council have engaged consultants to look at options for Duke's Meadows, one of the few remaining large public spaces directly on the Thames banks between Kew and Chelsea. Please have your say by visiting one of their drop-in sessions from 10am on Sunday 20th. November at the Farmer's Market and Chiswick Pier House, or visit the Hounslow website, Parks and Open Spaces page.  

Church Street inscribed stone restoration

We recently joined with the Friends of St. Nicholas’ Church to help get the badly weathered and historically important inscribed stone which is immured in in the low wall around St. Nicholas Church facing Church Street opposite Chapter House, cleaned and restored. The lettering, which was partly illegible, has been re-cut and in places reconstructed on the damaged stone. The inscription, which dates from 1623, records the construction of the wall at the expense of 'Lorde Francis Russell, Earle of Bedford’, for the protection of those buried in the churchyard ‘from violateing by swine & other profanation'A generous contribution towards the work of restoration has been made by the Duke of Bedford. The firm Taylor Pearce Limited who did the work has provided a well illustrated report on the project which you can see if you click here.

Spring 2016

Chiswick Eyot

A big thank you to everyone who turned out to work on the Eyot on Saturday 9 April. It was a very successful morning - and, as always seems to happen when we work on the Eyot, the sun was shining. We've now used up all this year's withies to bolster the defences on the Mall side of the Eyot, so there shouldn't be any more to do until the willows are pollarded again this coming winter.

Wheelie bins

In addition to the new regime for general waste collection detailed below, the Council's plans to introduce a paid-for garden waste collection are running behind. Please see the latest update here.  The paid-for service requires the household to either purchase a large wheelie bin from the Council or, as we strongly advise for the sake of the appearance of Old Chiswick, to keep their current garden waste sacks, which entails the Council sending them special tags to attach to the bags so that their waste can be collected. Wheelie bins for general waste As you probably know, the Council has introduced wheelie bin collection for general waste.The difficulty with these bins in Conservation Areas is that not all households are able to store them off the street out of sight. Historic England has identified the impact of such bins as unsightly and significantly harmful to areas such as Old Chiswick, where the combination of historic buildings and street furniture is a key element of ‘significance’. Unfortunately the Conservation Officer at Hounslow Council has deemed wheelie bins acceptable. A further issue arises for bins left on Chiswick Mall. The tide will pick them up and move them along the road and into the river. OCPS has therefore agreed with Council Officers in charge of waste that Chiswick Mall and Eyot Green will not have wheelie bins, but will remain on black plastic bags. Church Street and Pages Yard were due to get wheelie bins in March and we have not had a further update.All other roads in the area were due to get the bins by March, but in the meantime, if you do get a letter and have nowhere to keep a wheelie bin other than on the pavement, you are entitled to ask for an exemption by saying so in response to your letter.The notification from the Council makes it clear that wheelie bins should be placed on the front edge of the property and not on the pavement. The Council has confirmed that upon emptying, the bin should be returned to that place and not left on the pavement. If households have a gate that opens, the bins can be in a front (or back garden close to the road) if the gate is left open on collection day.Exemptions due to unsuitability therefore can be requested in the following situations (not an exhaustive list)-Householders are too infirm to move wheelie bins to a suitable collection point, access gates are habitually locked for security reasons, not possessing an outside space off the pavement for a wheelie bin, that the bin will obstruct entrances, drives or pavements, or that bins have to be wheeled up and down high steps.   Households are entitled to opt out of receiving a wheelie bin, and can arrange to use a neighbours',  Theoretically however they would not get a black bag pick-up outside their own property. 

Traffic and Roads

Paving renewal

London Borough of Hounslow contractors are renewing pavements in the Old Chiswick area. Their programme covers all non-York stone paving. British Grove South is scheduled for April, and Netheravon Road South is not due for replacement until 2017. The Council has said they would undertake to repair York stone paving and where necessary replace with York Stone. Having said that, however, we have been alerted to the fact that they are running out of York stone so we must remain vigilant in ensuring that the York stones along Church Street, Chiswick Mall, Church Walk and the eastern portion of Powell's Walk are not replaced by non-York stone.

Homefields South park

The sub-Committee successfully drove improvements to Homefields South Park with Hounslow Borough, including tarmac path repairs, extending and mending hedges, replanting trees and painting railings. We are still awaiting improved signage in the refurbished Hogarth roundabout subway from TfL.

A request for an additional parking space in Church Street is progressing. The Council has issued a notice to the Emergency Services for comments about accessibility before continuing. 

Finally, drilling of the Thames Tideway Tunnel has started.

The Corner Shop

The development of the corner shop at the East end of Chiswick Mall (and Eyot Gardens) was raised at the last OCPS AGM. The general feeling was that, while the re-opening of a delicatessen on the site was to be welcomed, overdevelopment in this quiet Conservation Area of Hammersmith was not. An amended Application for an Off-Licence which included the showing of old Italian movies inside the shop to 'create an ambience'  7am to 11pm was granted at the meeting of the LBHF Licensing Committee on Wednesday 13th January 2016. But with conditions - these are as yet unknown. The Committee also recommended that the shop owner worked harder at winning the trust of the community. After twelve years of owning but not operating the shop, one way of doing this would be to open the shop.A Planning Application validated in December for 'Installation of a new shopfront; installation of 2no gas lanterns to the front elevation; installation of a clock to the corner elevation fronting both Chiswick Mall and Eyot Gardens elevation at first floor level' is still 'pending consideration' by LBHF,

OCPS AGM 2015 

There was a very good turnout on a wet November evening for the  Annual General Meeting  on Monday 23rd November in Fuller’s Hock Cellar. For more on what was said, please see: AGM Minutes

Changes in membership of the Executive Committee

At the AGM Lesley Gatenby, and Simon Yardley were elected to the Committee. Existing members Russell Harris, Graham Clifton, and Sophie Sainty were re-elected. 

At the January and March meetings of the Executive Committee following the AGM, there were a other changes to the committee:On behalf of the Committee Alan Munro expressed both deep appreciation of Russell Harris's Chairmanship and thanks that he remains on the Committee for another three years giving OCPS the benefit of his eminence and professionalism. Penny Barltrop was proposed and elected as new Chairperson.

Again, on behalf of the Committee Russell Harris thanked James Stitt for all his hard work for OCPS over many years, including his secure, efficient and conscientious Officership of Treasurer on and off for nearly 20 years. James will be sorely missed on the OCPS Executive Committee.We are delighted to welcome Rajpreet Bains-Sahni as our new Treasurer.

Janey Stevens reluctantly tendered her resignation due to a diary clash with ExComm meetings. She was thanked for her dedication and her generous offer to continue in a backroom role with her OCPS activities of research, archiving and related website work was welcomed.  

On a sad note, it was noted that the community has lost a longstanding past Committee member and OCPS supporter in Nick Fraser.   

Winter 2015

Hogarth roundabout and Triangle

As you may recall, the contractors for Transport for London said the following:" The flyover required essential improvement works as the concrete deck has significantly deteriorated and must be replaced to ensure continued safety and availability to users. The works comprised a full deck replacement, replacement of the parapets, repair of the steelwork, and improved lighting on the slip road where the A316 merges with the A4". 
As can be seen, the work is now finished and the replanting is in place. Fuller's now sponsor the roundabout and we await with trepidation so see whether or not the vegetation flourishes.OCPS will continue to support Brita in the wildflower planting of the Triangle. 

Autumn 2015

Third Runway at Heathrow

Following the decision to once more delay a decision, we summarise the current situation in Chiswick below. 

A meeting held in November organised by Chiswick against the third runway (CHATR) covered all the ground that you would expect. There does seem to be many political obstacles to the third runway and there is significant support from members of both main parties against the project, including Zak Goldsmith, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, John McDonald. (No ifs, no buts, no third runway - David Cameron 2010).Ruth Cadbury along with John Stewart, Peter Eversden et al were there and the place was packed. The five objections to this project include noise, pollution*, cost ( to Londoners), traffic mayhem, obliteration of Harmondsworth ( 4000 houses).  With a proposed 250,000 additional flights/ann, we cannot see any reduction in noise or pollution, both of which were claimed by BAA recently. A sixth objection is safety for the population area under flight paths.TfL has weighed in this week with cost estimates of up to £20 billion for additional transport infrastructure and a promise of traffic standstills for years; doubling the width of the M4 and more lanes for the M25 being mooted as part of the proposals.
Reading the papers this week, Willie Walsh, CEO of IAG has already said that it will not pay the additional costs estimated at a further 30% minimum on top of the £800-900 mill/ann it pays currently. IAG (BA and others) has almost 50% of the slots and this will increase.  Walsh claims that BAA ( and whoever its owners are these days) will not be able to finance it. He also said that he doesn’t support Gatwick as their proposals fell short of what was required.The economic arguments for London Heathrow have been laid out but remain controversial. Call to action:Chiswick against the third runway (CHATR) asks that everyone should write a letter directly to the Prime Minister or The Chancellor laying out your brief objectionsAs we know, there are a number of ways to object through Hounslow’s website etc and I’m sure that all who wish to object (or support the plan) will find ways to do so.

*The 750,000 people living and working under the flight paths into and out of Heathrow constitute 28% of the total population area in Europe affected by aircraft pollution.More info on CHATR: www.chatr.org.uk
and at hacan.org.uk

Spring 2015

Community withy Bundling Day announced- Sunday 8th. February from 10.30am to 12.30, tide permitting.

Come and join us this year in a traditional activity and help save the Eyot, with refreshments afterwards. Meet your neighbours, and friends of Old Chiswick, and work with us  to bundle the withies. Last year we were unable to get across to the Eyot to bundle the cut willow branches because the river was in flood due to the high rainfall.We're hoping for better luck this year. The pollarding will again be done professionally and we will be making bundles of the branches (withies). These will be used, with the co-operation and expertise of the river trust Thames21, to continue the work of building up the banks of the Eyot. The withies trap mud behind the woven "fences" and prevent erosion- if you walk by the draw dock at the end of Chiswick Lane on the river, you will see how this is already beginning to work.  

This is essential work to save our Eyot for the future and we are hoping for decent weather and tides, and a good turn-out of willing volunteers.
Instruction will be given on the day, and young and old can play a part. Families are particularly welcome.
Please come suitably dressed: wellies and strong gardening gloves or similar are highly recommended. Again, we must advise you that this is at your own risk, and that care should be taken as we will be working near muddy sloping unprotected river banks.

Friends of St. Nicholas church present Sir Alan Munro- Wednesday 28th. January at 7pm.

Our President will give a talk at the church about his fascinating diplomatic career, including excerpts from his recently published book "Keep the Flag Flying: a diplomatic memoir".

 Hogarth roundabout

As you may recall, the contractors for Transport for London said the following:" The flyover required essential improvement works as the concrete deck has significantly deteriorated and must be replaced to ensure continued safety and availability to users. The works comprised a full deck replacement, replacement of the parapets, repair of the steelwork, and improved lighting on the slip road where the A316 merges with the A4". 
As can be seen, the works have slowed down over the winter period, and we hope to see renewed activity in Spring, as the area is unsightly.
The weather is too cold to apply weedkiller before planting up the roundabout, and the contractors are awaiting funding for re-planting to be approved.

Autumn 2014

Farewell to an old river friend, The Leonard Piper

The historic Leonard Piper, an old wooden Thames Sailing barge, left its mooring alongside the Brevit by Church Ferry Stairs (just upstream of the Eyot) during the week of the 7th. November. The operation involved positioning a salvage barge, the Len D, by tug, and then over the course of two tides manoeuvring the Leonard Piper into the submersed Len D for disposal. 

Panorama of the Thames

We are taking part in a project entitled Panorama of the Thames. This ambitious undertaking aims to produce a modern equivalent of Leigh's 1829 view of the banks along the Thames that can be viewed online, using cutting-edge techniques in photography and website design. We have provided text about the significant features along our stretch of the river which will accompany this new panorama. A well-attended presentation in September at Chiswick Pier House demonstrated the website, and some previews of the website will be available now at Panorama of the Thames. The creators, who have worked hard to get so far using their own resources and time are seeking further funding to complete this spectacular record.

Roads and Traffic

Patching up the 50-year-old Hammersmith Flyover for the Olympic Games revealed its fragile and expensive limited life. Work is well under way on the a £90m contract from Hammersmith & Fulham (H&F) for further strengthening of the structure.Meanwhile a consortium of nine local architects has presented preliminary plans for its replacement which are strongly supported by H&F Council. To re-build like-for-like would cause a massive, very expensive disruption of traffic and none of the ecological, visible and traffic disadvantages would have been addressed. Their solution is to run all A4 traffic through twin tunnels.Recommendations have not yet been made on where the ends of the tunnels should be or the layout of the local roads system during and after construction.

H&F have started work on a feasibility study to improve the local road network and consider how a ‘flyunder’ might be paid for, possibly by releasing highway land for development. Public consultations are planned. See West London Link for more details.

The river flooding signs have been an issue, not least because they do not always appear near the river. However, we will continue to pursue this matter with the Council.

Thames Tideway Tunnel- Thames Water's application is still with the Planning Inspectorate. Work was planned to start in 2016 and we will continue to keep a watching brief.

Spring 2014


A full application for Planning permission to convert 14,000 square feet of offices in Lamb House, Church Street from office use to residential (7 flats) has been lodged with Hounslow Council Planning Department following the previous refusal of Prior Approval for change of use. The Planning Approval system number is PA/2013/4388 and the comment period runs to 17th. January. OCPS is submitting comments based around congestion of traffic and parking on Church Street. 

Planning permission to build a conservatory next to Belle Vue House on Chiswick Mall was refused by LBH, and permission is now being sought for french windows on the same site.

Winter 2013

Chiswick Eyot

Bundling day will be Sunday 19 January, from 10.30 am to 12.00, tide permitting. We do hope you’ll come and help - it’s fun and rewarding for adults and children, and an opportunity to meet your neighbours. 
Instruction will be given on the day. This will be a team effort and everyone, old and young, can play a part. Younger volunteers are particularly welcome. 

Please come suitably dressed: WELLIES and STRONG GARDENING GLOVES or similar are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. 

Again, we must advise you that it is at your own risk.

Panorama of the Thames

We are taking part in a project entitled Panorama of the Thames. This undertaking aims to produce a modern equivalent of Leigh's 1829 view of the banks along the Thames. We are providing text about the significant features along our stretch of the river which will accompany this new panorama due course, and some previews of progress will be available soon. 


An application to convert 14,000 square feet of offices in Lamb House, Church Street from office use to residential has been refused on grounds of the impact this would have on parking and the amount of traffic using Church Street, which is already congested. OCPS was not informed or invited to comment on this proposed change of use as the Prior Approval legislation introduced in April 2013 does not provide for local input. This decision by the Council may well be appealed by the developers in due course so it may be that a full planning application can be expected.

Planning permission to build a conservatory next to Belle Vue House on Chiswick Mall was refused by LBH.

A new application has been made to develop the Hammersmith Town Hall site. The proposed development is confined to the land adjacent to the Town Hall and does not include a plan to construct a landscaped bridge over the A4 Great West Road linking the site to the Furnivall Gardens, a feature of the original proposal two years ago. From what we have seen, the proposed designs at this stage would appear to have little impact on the Old Chiswick conservation area.

In consultation, Fuller's Brewery has repaved its yard. The result is a vast improvement on the concrete surface that had been patched up over many years.

Traffic and Roads

The rubbish on the Hogarth roundabout left by evicted squatters, and unsightly bedding and clothing hung out to dry on railings at Homefield Park have been removed thanks to pressure from OCPS.

Hounslow has now approved the setting up of a dedicated outreach service for rough sleepers, to begin in Feb 2014. Public Health and Homeless Seekers Grants are available and it is believed that for every £1 invested £2.65 will be saved.

The Society's campaign to reduce the number of signs in our area and improve others has already resulted in fewer confusing and duplicate signs. Ultimately with better signs we hope this will mean fewer visitors lost and asking for directions and a better understanding of parking regulations on the river foreshore.

The river flooding signs have been an issue, not least because they do not always appear near the river.
However, we will continue to pursue this matter with the Council.

A new book on Old Chiswick

A new book by Anthea Craigmyle, A Vicarage in the Blitz, is now available to buy locally or on the web. 

The OCPS books on the history of Old Chiswick and the Thornycroft Works (see Other publications) continue to make a steady sale to the benefit of the Society. Copies are on sale at Hogarth and Chiswick House locally as well as from Bookcase and Waterstones in Chiswick High Road. Alternatively, they can be obtained from Rosemarie Clifton at Brampton House in Church Street.

Old Chiswick Protection Society AGM

Thank you to everyone who came to our AGM in November. Thanks especially to Fuller's for providing the venue and hospitality. The draft minutes will be available on the website soon.

Neighbourhood Watch

A neighbour at Eyot Green was woken at 4am one morning by her very agitated White West Highland dog Artair (Gaelic for bear and pronounced Arthur). Looking out of the window of her flat onto the forecourt of the three garages she saw a burglar trying to break into one of the cars. She called the police who arrived within 3 minutes and made the arrest

Summer 2013

Traffic and Roads

Recently we have been lobbying for the improvement of our subways (the main links between Chiswick and Old Chiswick), removing rubbish from the Hogarth roundabout, and improving the appearance of Homefields Park South.
Hogarth Cycle Path. This currently terminates under the Hogarth flyover. A temporary informal crossing for Dorchester Grove is being considered pending a final decision on the future of the flyover.

Whilst not affecting our Conservation area directly, we have also supported our community by commenting on LBH's proposals for a wheelie bin trial and their pavement and street furniture replacement programmes.  

Chiswick Maternity Hospital

The Society supported the provision of a plaque marking the founding of the old Chiswick Hospital formerly on the site now occupied by the Chiswick Lodge development on Chiswick Mall. 

Summer Party

Neighbours, members and potential members joined us at a Summer Party to launch the OCPS website and celebrate everything that's unique about Old Chiswick, in the Bellevue riverside garden, Chiswick Mall, by Fuller's Brewery, on the evening of 20 June. Fuller's, a vital part of our community, kindly provided hospitality and venues, and the good weather meant we could enjoy the garden and river.