TFL Consultation Update to Hogarth Roundabout Safety Improvements
TFL published the following response on 20th January 2025:
Between 11 July 2024 and 12 September 2024, we consulted on a scheme to improve road safety at Hogarth Roundabout. The principal changes we proposed were:
• Creating a dedicated left turn lane for A4 westbound traffic onto the A316, where there are the highest concentration of collisions. This would mean closing one of the access points to Church Street. Access to Church Street would be by Chiswick Square
• Lowering the speed limit at the roundabout from 40mph to 30mph
• Increasing footway space for pedestrians on a service road for the A4 Great West Road (westbound) and providing new rain gardens to reduce the potential for flooding
• Adding Legible London wayfinding, to help pedestrians find their way around the area
• Deep clean and lighting upgrades in the subway to help the area feel safer and more pleasant for pedestrians.
Today we have published our consultation report, to explain the outcomes of the consultation.
Next Steps
The consultation produced a range of views, most notably on the proposal to close the direct access between Church Street and the roundabout, and associated concerns around the alternative routes that would need to be taken to enter and leave the Old Chiswick area.
We listened carefully to these views and having taken these concerns on board, have decided not to proceed with this aspect of the scheme. This means the existing access for residents, businesses, and the emergency services will be maintained on Church Street.
However, the need to improve safety at the site remains and we will now progress with other elements of the proposed scheme to the detailed design stage. We remain confident that this work will improve safety risk at the site, addressing known collision locations and reducing overall risk.
This work will focus on four key areas:
1. Lowering the speed limit from 40mph to 30mph at the roundabout and approaches
2. Improving advanced directional signage on all approaches to the roundabout, as well as the signs and lines on the carriageway of the roundabout itself
3. Closing the western side of the Mawson Lane slip road to address the specific safety risk of westbound vehicles mounting the kerb and entering and exiting into the first lane of the A4.
4. Improving the subway, including accessibility and wayfinding improvements, replacing worn assets such as signs and lighting, and deep cleaning the subway.
We will continue to monitor collision data at the roundabout. When these changes have been implemented, we will review whether we need to take further action to improve safety.
We will continue to work with Hounslow Council on our design and provide updates on progress to stakeholders. We are currently working towards making these improvements in 2026. We will keep the local community informed as our plans are confirmed.
Kind regards,
Simon Carroll
Consultation Specialist