Further News

Our Historic Mulberry Trees

Do you have a mulberry tree in your garden? If so, OCPS would love to hear from you, and will welcome more information about any old mulberry trees in the area. We can then research whether this abundance can tell us more of the history of Old Chiswick. So please do send us any information you might have to: oldchiswick@gmail.com.

London Borough of Hounslow approves latest revision of the Conservation Appraisal for Old Chiswick

 Hounslow Council's September Cabinet meeting approved the updated Conservation Area Appraisal for Old Chiswick.

This is a vital document for us, as it identifies the unique characteristics of our Area and informs Planning Application and Development decisions in the future, as well as highlighting threats and opportunities to the Conservation Area (CA). 

The Society submitted a comprehensive set of comments on Old Chiswick CA's behalf. The document can be accessed on the Council's website in due course, but meanwhile contact us if you want a copy.

Local List (of buildings, structures, spaces and Townscape Merit)

Hounslow Council have selected from nominations for inclusion in its Local List. Note that this is not the same as Historic England's (previously English Heritage's) Grade listing, and does not have the same status, but nevertheless follows HE's guidelines and acknowledges buildings of merit that contribute to the area. OCPS submitted buildings and structures for consideration, and many of our suggestions have made it to the Local List, which can be viewed on the Council's website. Again, if you want a copy, don't hesitate to contact us on oldchiswick@googlemail.com.

Heathrow Expansion

Due to the sharp decrease in the use of most airports world-wide, Heathrow expansion appears to be on the back-burner for now.If you wish to know more and keep up to date, there is a link to the Heathrow consultation hub on the Hounslow Council website Consultations page. The latest Consultation, built on Heathrow's previous preferred options, ended in September and OCPS submitted responses to several questions.  

Traffic and Roads


We continue our longstanding campaign to reduce the number of signs in Old Chiswick and ask that common sense prevails when introducing new ones to prevent their proliferation. 

You may have noticed, as we have, the new fingerposts that have appeared around the edges of the Conservation Area. Our roads and traffic sub-Committee have reestablished contact with Transport for London through their newly created Community and Partnerships Team and hope to have more input to TfL's decision-making in the  future. They have already discussed possible solutions to Hogarth Roundabout traffic with us.   
Our long-standing campaign to re-introduce the heavy artic-limiting signage for vehicles entering the very narrow Church Street from the Hogarth roundabout has finally borne fruit. TfL have installed signs and a helpful discussion with Asahi about Fullers deliveries has resulted in a lessening of their heavier vehicles using Church Street. 
We are still awaiting improved directional signage in the refurbished Hogarth roundabout subway from TfL

Homefields South Park:

The sub-Committee successfully drove improvements to Homefields South Park with Hounslow Borough, including tarmac path repairs, extending and mending hedges, replanting trees and painting railings. 


We continue to monitor Planning Applications and unauthorised changes both in and adjacent to, our Conservation Area. There has been a dearth of activity in the last few months.  


Our Green Spaces