Heathrow Night Flight Regime

Gov.uk have announced a consultation on the next night flight regime for 2025 onwards. The government sets night flight restrictions for three airports designated as having a noise problem.

The consultation ends 22 May 2024. The relevant question for us is Question 1

'To what extent do you agree or disagree with proposals for the next night regime for Heathrow?'

OCPS response is-

'We welcome the night-time abatement noise objective with the following provisos- lack of definition of the terms 'quality of life' and 'sustainable growth' (to include a non-noise-based environmental component) should be addressed.

We recognise the pragmatic approach to maintaining current measurements pending further discussion and studies. However, as it stands, the status quo can disincentivise the early implementation of technological advances as they become available, such as new, quieter localised flightpath protocols and regimes, and new soundproofing with natural ventilation technology,(important because the Heathrow footprint covers a large proportion of older housing).'


The purpose of the consultation is to

1. Confirm the proposal wording below for the night flight regime 2025, based on last year's consultation on the wording of the 'night time abatement objective' for the three UK south-east airports (Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted).

NB. Last year's consultation was mostly responded to by affected Local Authorities, environmental groups and industry.

' To limit and where possible reduce the adverse effects of aviation noise at night on health and quality of life, whilst supporting sustainable growth and recognising the importance to the UK of commercial passenger and freight flights.

and 2. Set parameters to measure the limits and effects, the latter which currently includes one of dBLA contours that exceed 48dB between the hours of 23.30 and 0600. This is designed to track the numbers of people in an area affected by noise.

Limits are measured by number of aircraft movements in the 6.5 HR night period, set for winter and summer season, together with QC, a quota count weighted by aircraft type noise certification at take off and landing, overlaid on the number of movements. If airport movements (landings and takeoffs) are less than the total movement limit, the QC allows for more movements of quieter aircraft.

The consultation proposes no change for Heathrow movement limits, quota count measurements or dB contour limits.

There is a recognition however that a) several health and wellbeing studies to ascertain the affects of navigation noise, including at night, are due to be published in the next 3 years, including the ANNE study (UK government), and WHO guidance for estimating burden of disease from environmental noise,

b) some self-evidently effective additional measurements such as average noise of an aircraft over a season, or 'number above' i.e. a number of aircraft exceeding say 60dB per movement contour, are currently unable to be routinely gathered, but might be possible in the future

and c) sustainable growth measures are not yet agreed or in use.


OCPS Latest Response to Proposed Hogarth Roundabout Changes


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